As the former chairperson of the MSAD 51 Board of Directors, I strongly advocate for the proposed bond to revamp the aging and overcrowded school campus for Cumberland and North Yarmouth. This crucial project includes constructing a new building for our youngest learners, urgent renovations to Mabel I. Wilson school, and updating our athletic fields to better serve all students. The district has spent close to eight years planning and assessing its needs after an unprecedented enrollment increase and after a larger off-campus project failed to pass in 2022. The June 11 vote on this proposed plan is the final result of this thoughtful work.

Currently, our students contend with overcrowded classrooms and inadequate athletic facilities, environments far from ideal for learning and growth. This bond is essential not only for transforming our campus into a modern, well-configured space but also for meeting the needs of both current and future students. Supporting this bond goes beyond basic infrastructure needs – it is a vital step toward enhancing our educational standards, retaining quality educators and maintaining property values.

I also want to commend the current board of directors for their significant efforts in engaging and educating our community about the plan’s details, including the project’s exciting design and the gradual tax increases involved. Their work and communication shows a genuine commitment to all members of our community as they seek voter support on June 11.

Kate Perrin
former chair, MSAD 51 Board of Directors, and former selectperson, North Yarmouth
North Yarmouth

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