Plan Yarmouth hosted community events throughout 2023 in its work to update the town’s comprehensive plan. Contributed / Plan Yarmouth
After more than a year of working on it, the Yarmouth Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee will present a draft of its proposed update to the Planning Board next week.
Residents have until April 30 to provide feedback on the plan, including at a joint meeting of the Town Council and steering committee scheduled for April 25.
Director of Planning and Development Erin Zwirko said the Yarmouth community made it clear in focus groups, surveys, workshops and pop-up events over the past year that they want the town to focus on balancing priorities across the built and natural environment.
“The updated comprehensive plan reflects that feedback,” Zwirko told The Forecaster.
Components of the plan come from the town’s Future Land Use Plan that addresses zoning, land preservation and public investments, and the upcoming Climate Action Plan’s sustainability and resilience goals and policies.
The comprehensive plan is used to guide town policy decisions, such as those dealing with housing, transportation, recreation, the economy and historic resources, over the next 20 years. The town’s current plan was adopted in 2010.
“The draft plan is the culmination of significant public engagement over the last year,” Committee co-Chair Hildy Ginsberg said in a press release. “We appreciate the community’s time and commitment to shaping our shared future.”
The draft plan can be viewed online at planyarmouth.com or in person at Town Hall. Feedback can be provided through the website or via email to Zwirko at ezwirko@yarmouth.me.us.
“We are excited to hear more from the community during the public comment period to help us refine the plan prior to adoption later this spring,” Zwirko said.
The Planning Board meeting is Wednesday, March 27, from 7 to 8 p.m. at the Log Cabin.
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