A reunion for those who attended the former Buxton High School, which closed in 1961, drew dozens of alumni June 26. Contributed / Judith Kimball Usher

Buxton High School alumni gather for reunion

A large turnout gathered for the annual Buxton High School reunion June 26 at The Roost Banquet Center in Chicopee.

The former high school was replaced in 1961 by Bonny Eagle High School. The high school building was demolished a few years ago after serving as an elementary school.

Those in attendance at the reunion were: Harold Smith and his daughter, Rebecca Smith, Shirley Anderson Walker, Alberta Carll Richards and her son, Nancy Dean, Arlene Owen Towle, Jacqueline “Jackie” Sargent, Elizabeth Elwell, Richard and Beverly Atkinson, Robert Hutchinson and his spouse, Bill and Roberta Harris Ramsdell, Wayne and Joyce Usher Jose, Helen Wilson Johnson, John Green, Wayne Gillette, Ronald Mallory, Nelson Leavit, Joseph and Joanna Hanna Vetro, Carl and Patricia Churchill, Gene Harmon, John and Joan Straw Wadas, Geraldine Roberts Gannett, Joan Garland Atkinson, Donna Plummer Carll, Wade and Ernestine Roberts Junkins, Irene Moulton Starbird, Richard Green, Barry and Beth Newell Plummer, Linda Shepard Dahm, Frances Day Morin, William and Vivian Napolitano, Judith Kimball Usher, Cheryl Leavitt Johnson, Ronald and BettyAnn Weeman, Sally Townsend Rohl, William “Bill” Daniels and his sister Dianne Daniels, Stephen R. Usher, and Philip and Jane Cummings.

Creutz heads SAD 6 board

Erika M. Creutz of Standish has been elected chairperson of the 11-member School Administrative District 6 (Bonny Eagle) board of directors.

The board chose Nathan Carlow of Buxton as its vice chairperson.

Creutz, whose term expires next June, succeeds Trevor Hustus of Hollis, who withdrew from the June 8 election after his three-year term expired in June.

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