Emmett Alan Merrill, born Dec. 19 to Nicholas Alan Merrill and Kayla Rose Thatcher of Brunswick.

Abigail Elizabeth Curtis, born Dec. 20 to Brandon Thomas and Christina Marie (Rush) Curtis of Lisbon Falls. Grandparents are Amy and Bill York of Mills River, North Carolina, and Vickie Lary of Winterport.

Coral Ann Wolfington, born Dec. 20 to Harold Joseph Wolfington IV and Sarah Christine (Dunn) Wolfington of Hallowell. Grandparents are Kimberly Cornwall of Scarborough and Harry Wolfington of Hallowell. Great-grandparents are JoAnn and Andy Rosko of Palm Coast, Florida, and Carol Wolfington of Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.

Emmett Brice Sutter, born Dec. 21 to Scott All Sutter Jr. and Sarah Pendleton Sutter of New Harbor. Grandparents are Scott and Wendy Pendleton of Bristol, Scott Sutter of Waldoboro and Janet Spinney of Wiscasset. Great-grandparents are Ron and Jen Pendleton of New Harbor and Thomas and Louisa Winchenbach of Waldoboro.

Kiara Jane Davis, born Dec. 23 to Michael Aaron Davis and Alexis Eve Anderson of Brunswick.

Cecilia Jane Beauchamp, born Dec. 26 to Scott Thomas and Baryshnika Saskatchewan (Knight) Beauchamp of Bath. Grandparents are Salley Knight of Bath; Daniel John of Brooke, Massachusetts; and Mary Garrett and Tim Garrett, both of St. Louis. Great-grandparents are Jane Clark of Arnold, Missouri, and Gordon Toombs of Winnipeg, Manitoba.


Sutton Crew Sirois, born Jan. 1 to Ranissa Berry and Alexander Sirois of Mechanic Falls. Grandparents are Scott Berry and Angie Berry of Mechanic Falls and Katherine and Lyndon Sirois. Great-grandparents are Barbara and Robert Berry and Janet Topole and Shirley Sirois.

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