Town officials issued a public information statement Thursday notifying residents that a healthcare worker recently returned from treating Ebola patients in West Africa passed through Freeport on Oct. 27.

The Maine State Police notified the Freeport police and fire departments Monday that Kaci Hickox would stay one night in Freeport before leaving for Fort Kent Tuesday morning, Oct. 28, according to a press release from Freeport Town Manager Peter Joseph.

“Ms. Hickox is a healthcare worker who recently returned to the United States after caring for Ebola patients in West Africa,” the press release stated. “Ms. Hickox garnered national attention when she was temporarily detained in New Jersey before being released to travel home to Maine.”

While in Freeport, Hickox remained in voluntary quarantine in a private residence with a healthcare worker from the Maine Department of Health and Human Services, the release stated, who monitored Hickox for signs of illness.

Hickox has not presented any symptoms indicating infection, according to the release, which noted there is “little to no danger to the public since Ms. Hickox was asymptomatic, and Ebola is only transmissible when patients are displaying symptoms.


“There is no reason to believe that this incident represents a threat to the public health of our community,” the release stated. “However, we are sending out this notice because there has been significant interest in this case and it is important that Freeport’s residents are kept informed.”

Questions or concerns regarding the Ebola virus should be directed to the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention at 1- 800-821-5821.

For more information, visit dhhs/mecdc.

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