Sally Leland

Sally Leland

Age: 62

Occupation: Travel Director

Political background: No party affiliation. Currently filling a two month vacancy on the Sewer District Board of Trustees

Times Record: Why are you running for office?

Sally Leland: The Sewer District is an important part of Freeport’s infrastructure in preserving quality of life, supporting community growth, and protecting our environment. I have the time, interest, and previous sewer experience. Freeport has a well managed Sewer District. I want to support and collaborate to keep it that way.

Gerald Kennedy

Gerald Kennedy

TR: What are the top three issues you’ll have to deal with if elected?

SL: I believe the three greatest issues facing the Sewer District are: an aging infrastructure; infiltration to the system of surface water due to undiscovered line breaches; and the associated costs to repair or replace these issues. Four breaks all within a half mile on South Freeport Road are a sign of the times and serve as a signal that more can be expected. Scoping with cameras is helpful, but we don’t know where all intrusions to the system are within the 18 miles of lines or whether intrusions stem from a line on a subscriber’s property. Surface water infuses the sewer system and goes through the same treatment process taxing the system unnecessarily while using more chemicals in the process. What Freeport has in its favor is a very skilled and thoughtful management and staff, as well as a dedicated and well versed Board of Trustees.

TR: What skills or strengths do you bring to office?


SL: I bring inquisitiveness, perspective, and a desire to engage and support ecological stewardship in Freeport. Coastal waters are impacted by the viability of the sewer plant. Residents and businesses influence the efficacy of the sewer system. Educational outreach to create “helpful tips” for residents, young and older, is a goal.

TR: Why should voters choose you?

SL: Voters want someone who: will bring concerns to the table for consideration; is mindful of escalating costs when household incomes may be declining; will problem solve options creatively to provide efficiency in the short term while considering needs twenty years out; will engage the community to become more informed about this municipal resource so community members can weigh-in on key policy, cost, and planning proposals; cares deeply about protecting coastal waters for those who recreate on and in it, and especially advocating for those whose livelihoods depend on the viability of the water. Voters should vote for Sally Leland!

Age: 62

Occupation: Retired

Political background: Freeport School Board (6 years), Voc. 10 Board (7 years), Planning Board of Appeals (current).


Times Record: Why are you running for office?

Gerald Kennedy: It is important to maintain effective sewerage treatment to insure that Harraseeket Harbor is clean and remains available for shellfish harvesting. I’d like to help keep the operating rates as low as possible by running the plant efficiently.

TR: What are the top three issues you’ll have to deal with if elected?

GK: A) To make sure that impacts to the environment are minimized by keeping up to date with sewerage treatment facilities and processes.

B) Keeping the rates down.

C) Identifying the need for sewer line updates to avoid groundwater infiltration into the drainage lines which in turn increases the service load on the plant. Funding will need to be secured for these updates, which hopefully can be provided at least in part by grant funding.


TR: What skills or strengths do you bring to office?

GK: I’m a long time resident of Freeport and have worked on other town boards effectively. I take a great deal of interest in town matters and put in the time and effort to contribute in a responsible and positive way.

TR: Why should voters choose you?

GK: I have owned a home and rental property in Freeport for close to 35 years and am experienced and stay current in affairs and issues that affect our town.

I’ll work to insure that the infrastructure keeps pace with the growth of the town and that the plant runs in an environmentally responsible manner.

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