Allison Hepler

Allison Hepler

Age: 58

Occupation: History professor, University of Maine at Farmington

Political background: Woolwich Planning Board 2006-11, Woolwich Selectboard, 2012-

Times Record: Why are you running for office?

Allison Hepler: I love this job! I’m in my first term and really enjoy it. I’ve learned a lot about public finance, local governance, and the relationship between local and state government. I especially enjoy meeting people and problem solving. I respect the people I work with and the people I serve.

Jason Shaw

Jason Shaw

TR: What are the top three issues you’ll have to deal with if elected?)

AH: We all try to be good stewards of the taxpayer’s hard-earned dollars, and address issues as they come up, whether it’s the impact of the RSU budget or developing a policy on donations to non-profits, and present them to the Town. We also try to protect the Town’s natural resources, with close attention to water quality, including fish passage at the dam. We seek a balance among the competing land uses and private property rights. Beyond that, I would love to find a way to encourage more volunteerism on Town Committees. Finally, it would be good to start to implement the Comprehensive Plan, approved by the Town in 2009. Overall, I’m pleased to work with such a talented and experienced selectboard, and trust the openness that has us all dedicated to working together.

TR: What skills or strengths do you bring to office?


AH: I’m project-oriented, not afraid to tackle something new, such as RSU costsharing, municipal revenue sharing, or helping facilitate new methods of communication in town, such as a Town newsletter. I’m not only a good researcher, but a good writer, and able to integrate a variety of viewpoints.

TR: Why should voters choose you?

AH: We’re running unopposed for the two positions on the selectboard. This might suggest that people trust what we’re doing but we don’t take that as a given. I think I’ve demonstrated good judgment over these past 3 years. Jason and I, as new people often do, brought a level of curiosity to Board actions, and that’s always healthy. We’re both committed to transparency — I love the fact that 99 percent of what the Board does is in public — it keeps us accountable to the public who chose us.

Age: 46

Occupation: Treasurer/General Manager Jack Shaw and Sons, Inc.

Political background: Various transportation committees and Planning Board for over 20 years, Selectboard 2012-present


Times Record: Why are you running for office?

Jason Shaw: I love Woolwich. My family has deep roots in the Town. I’ve been attending selectboard meetings for decades. I bring a common sense approach to issues, and have the time to devote to them. It took the first term to understand the process. I want to continue serving the Town.

TR: What are the top three issues you’ll have to deal with if elected?

JS: I’ve been known to say, “There’s what we want, what we need and what we can afford.” It’s about balancing these elements within the Town, often on a dayto day basis, such as dealing with different department heads, selling Town-owned property, and issues from residents There are also many things the Town doesn’t have much control over, such as the County and RSU budgets, but what I try to do is provide information so that residents can make an educated decision. And we also provide input to the County, the RSU, and even the state legislature so they hear feedback from the local level. The annual budget is always important and takes thoughtful consideration. Annual Town Meeting is where the important decisions get made.

TR: What skills or strengths do you bring to office?

JS: The Town is very diverse and it’s important to represent all the different facets. I’m very accessible and good at following up with concerns as they arise, willing to ask questions and suggest common-sense solutions. I’m a good communicator and consensus-builder, such as with the addition to the Town office.

TR: Why should voters choose you?

JS: Allison and I are running unopposed for two positions on the selectboard. While we hope that it’s an indication that people are satisfied with what we’re doing, it doesn’t mean we take it for granted. Hopefully the work of the last three years that we have both been part of will give voters some confidence in our actions. I think we have a well-balanced board and every selectboard member brings their own unique talents, and I truly enjoy being part of that team.

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