OLD ORCHARD BEACH — Regional School Unit 23 candidates David Boudreau and Michelle Violette shared their view of the school board’s responsibilities and other topics Tuesday night.

The two candidates, who are vying for a position that will be vacated by RSU 23 Chairman Gary Curtis, answered questions from Old Orchard Beach High School students at a forum at town hall that was held by the Old Orchard Beach High School Student Council.

If elected, Boudreau said he would invite anyone to call or email him with questions, and said he would answer the phone at 10 p.m. or reply to an email at midnight. He said the only way to learn what the community’s needs are is by listening to people.

“I’m open,” he said. “I’m always available.”

Boudreau said the school board need to listen to the concerns of students and parents, and find solutions to problems.

Violette said school board members need to have an open mind and listen ”“ not make knee-jerk reactions ”“ in order to be educated on the issues and educate others. She said school board members need to have a good relationship with the community, and added that social media is a good way to communicate with people who are busy and not otherwise available.


Violette said with RSU 23 now a one-town school district, the schools are in a period of transition.

“It’s a period of challenges, but also great opportunities,” she said.

Violette said with Old Orchard Beach as the only town in the district, every dollar is staying local.

Spending needs to be prioritized so that safety and building concerns are properly addressed and students are getting the best education to prepare them for the future, she said.

To view a video recording of Tuesday night’s event, go to www.oobmaine.com.

— Staff Writer Liz Gotthelf can be contacted at 282-1535, ext. 325 or egotthelf@journaltribune.com.

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