Tim Marks

Age: 54

Occupation: Retired Maine State Trooper

Political Background: Current State Representative House District 53, Former Selectman town of Pittston, Member of the Criminal Justice Committee, Member of the Inland fish and Game committee

Times Record: Why are you running for office?

Tim Marks: I really enjoyed my first term experience and I learned a lot. I sponsored an OUI look back bill that gets tough on the States worst felony offenders that became law this year. I voted for constitutional carry and I sponsored a bill that would give a 10 percent discount to anyone who paid their traffic tickets on time. Neither passed and I would like to rework them


TR: What are the top three issues you’ll have to deal with if elected?

TM: Medicaid expansion is very important. 70,000 Mainers are in need of health care. It is not responsible to allow our citizens to suffer. Hospitals want to get paid and citizens with out insurance are a drain on our health care system as charity care.

Drug abuse is a concern to all of us. It does not matter if you are a victim of a drug related crime or a family member of an addicted person. Drugs are a scourge on our society. Almost all property crime is drug related. Criminals do not steal to feed their families they steal to support their habits. I arrested a man for 77 burglaries. He made 77 victims feel unsafe in their own homes because of his drug habit.

I fully support funding revenue sharing to our towns. That money was promised as a way to help offset higher property taxes, and I support funding education at 55 percent.

TR: What skills or strengths do you bring to office?

TM: I bring with me 2 years of legislative experience and 25 years of answering calls for citizens assistance as a Police Office. I have never had a desk job. I owned a small business, I had a skidder and logged for many years. I also help my neighbor on his Angus Beef Farm. I was born and raised here, went to school here. I have coached all of my 4 children in their sports for the past 20 years. I volunteered teaching drivers education for 10 years and I answered questions on the 92 Moose radio show as “Tea Time with Trooper Tim” for 12 years.

TR: Why should voters choose you?

TM: Voters should choose me because of my experience, my dedication 99 percent voting attendance record, and my willingness to work with both sides of the isle. I voted for what I thought was best for my district, no matter what party was pushing it.

Editor’s Note: Jeffery Hanley, a Republican from Pittston, is running against Marks. He did not return the candidate questionnaire.

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