Alice D. Elliott

Alice D. Elliott

Age: 50

Occupation: Higher Education administration

Political background: No previously held elected office

Times Record: Why are you running for office?

Alice Elliott: Mainers enjoy a way of life others yearn for, yet we struggle to make ends meet. The stagnant economy drives our youth away and leaves us with low-wage jobs. Maine offers unparalleled quality of life, but we need new ideas to develop our potential in agriculture, aquaculture, knowledge work, and I want to be part of that development. TR: What are the top three issues you’ll have to deal with if elected?

Brian D. Hobart

Brian D. Hobart

AE: We cannot cut our way to prosperity. We must maintain our infrastructure, educate our workforce, support small business and make high-speed internet available statewide to spur economic growth. Economic development must leverage our core strengths – an unparalleled work ethic and tremendous breadth of skills and abilities among our working people – while not sacrificing our natural resource base nor apologizing for our location.

Through prevention and early treatment, expanding MaineCare will save money in the long run, and reduce the least effective, yet highest cost treatment, the emergency room visit. In addition, the $300 million it brings into Maine will spur job growth and new business development. Most importantly, it will improve peoples lives.

Finally, we need to thoughtfully and creatively re-structure tax policies to find new sources of revenue, make the tax burden fair, and to lessen the burden of Maine’s income and property taxes on Maine’s working people.


TR: What skills or strengths do you bring to office?

AE: I have been working to collaboratively solve public problems for over 20 years, bringing college students, faculty and staff together with community partners to address community needs. This work requires good listening skills, willingness to try new solutions, the ability to communicate with diverse audiences, financial management, and patience.

TR: Why should voters choose you?

AE: I am a native of Maine, and have lived here most of my life, yet I’ve also traveled and studied outside of Maine, exposing myself to new ideas and ways of doing things. I have learned how to work with people of all backgrounds and to express ideas and differences of opinion without belittling others, skills I believe are sorely needed in today’s political climate. I am an ordinary Mainer, hard working and selfreliant, living a modest life in an old house in a great community, eager to play a role in government of the people, for the people.

Age: 60

Occupation: Semiretired farmer


Political Experience: 12 years as selectman in Bowdoinham, 7 years as chairperson

Times Record: Why are you running for office?

Brian Hobart: I am running for the House to give voters a choice and because I am the most experienced, the most diverse, and the most qualified. I have deep roots in all three towns, know the people, know the issues and am able to connect with everyone whether they live below the poverty line or are in the top 1% and everyone in between.

TR: What are the top three issues you’ll have to deal with if elected?

BH: Based on conversations with residents three top issues are welfare, education, and property taxes. People are concerned about welfare to non citizens thus depriving aid from Mainers that really need it. Education and property taxes are tied together. The State’s failure to fund education at 55% has strapped the school systems and increased the burden on property taxes. Additionally the reduction in revenue sharing has seriously impacted town and city budgets causing a tax increase AND in some cases drastic cuts in services.

TR: What skills or strengths do you bring to office?

BH: My skills and strengths? I am a problem solver and a diplomat when I need to be. I go to bat for people I represent and rarely back down when their interests are at stake. I am not a turn-the other-cheek kind of guy. I am experienced in municipal budgets and infrastructure. I have management experience with people and resources. I have negotiated labor contracts (as a union steward and as an employer) and construction contracts.

TR: Why should voters choose you?

BH: Voters should choose me because I am more likely produce results for the people of District 55. As a business man when something isn’t working I try something else regardless of where the idea came from. If it works that is great if it doesn’t you admit it doesn’t and try something else. Every time I vote or make a decision I think long and hard about who is this going to effect. What group of people are going to benefit and who gets thrown under the bus. I am skilled at compromise and that is the only FAIR way to get things done.

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