Paul B. Chace

Paul B. Chace

Age: 47

Occupation: Licensed Pharmacist, Regional Pharmacy Recruiter

Political Background: Governor appointed past member of Maine Board of Pharmacy, no elected offices

Times Record: Why are you running for office?

Paul Chace: I bring real experience with business management and policy/regulatory review to office. I believe our communities need common sense and direct solutions to real problems with taxes, business and schooling. I communicate and collaborate effectively, with focus on sound investment with our citizens’ hard earned money.

TR: What are the top three issues you’ll have to deal with if elected?

PC: Job creation, tax regulation and welfare expenditures. A very close 4th is schooling/educational programs. Our communities must attract businesses to see the advantage of our Maine way of life. Financially, with taxes, cost of living and utilities, payroll, etc…, Maine is not currently a business destination. Folks with good paying jobs develop strong families and communities that help support the education and schooling of their children. Folks with good paying jobs shop at local businesses and attractions stimulating local economy. Additional taxing is a knee jerk response to dwindling income and perpetuates its’ own cycle. Spending must support the development of better opportunities for our citizens. Spend that doesn’t, never returns. We need direct and compassionate assessment of our state spending, and focus on statistics that count; job creation, tax reduction, and hard working and capable folks the ability to find good jobs.


TR: What skills or strengths do you bring to office?

PC: I take complicated issues, and make assessments and communicate effectively with direct, manageable and attainable objectives. I believe in good debate, understanding all sides of an issue, but then setting goals and priorities to eliminate distraction. I do this verbally and socially and invite opportunities to learn and understand more.

TR: Why should voters choose you?

PC: I was raised to finish what I start, seek opportunities through self improvement and working with others. I have worked constantly from my preteen years, doing many things from labor intensive to contract management. I am not afraid of hard work, I am not afraid to admit mistakes. I have lived in Maine, hunt, hike, develop and support as many of the businesses in the state that I can. I strongly believe we can capitalize on the work ethic we have in this state and show that we can compete in commerce and our great way of life!

Editor’s Note: Anne Graham, a Democrat from North Yarmouth, is vying for the seat as well. She did not return the candidate questionnaire.

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