Saturday morning, Oct. 18, Westbrook Police Fire and Rescue were dispatched to yet another accident on Bridgton Road at Highland Variety Store (Duck Pond Corner) for another personal injury accident, the second that week.

The Maine Department of Transportation continues to drag its feet with their one-size-fits-all vehicle count and their insistence that a roundabout is the answer. This is a busy intersection and with Route 302 being the principal highway. With many large trucks, there is a real danger here. We have several historic landmarks that cannot be moved so this would result in a small (inadequate) roundabout. Secondly, who in their right mind would put a roundabout on a hill in a residential neighborhood?

The rollover in Gorham and the heating oil spill should have been a lesson to these people, but of course, they don’t live here so the safety of their family is not a factor. Can you imagine a tanker with propane, gasoline, kerosene, heating oil or other dangerous cargo rolling over and a major spill resulting in an explosion and fire.? We have a new pub opening in the Hawkes Plaza building and this is just downhill from the intersection. This only adds to the congestion. We have been advocating for a traffic light for several years and the Department of Transportation has resisted this. The traffic light at Prides Corner works fine and it would work fine here.

Another concern is the Farm Lake and James Henry Lane housing developments near this intersection, along with the Highland Lake Church, Highland Lake Grange and Highland Variety Store and a seasonal snowmobile trail that crosses 302 near the store. Pedestrians often cross Bridgton Road to go to the store, church or Grange, and a roundabout would only add to the danger. Duck Pond Corner is actually like a small village and there was also a school and post office here at one time. At a meeting with state transportation department, I mentioned the pedestrians crossing here and a state official said, “Well, I guess they won’t be able to cross here.” People have crossed the road there for over 100 years and I don’t see that stopping now. A traffic light is the only safe means of traffic control at this intersection.

City Councilor Mike Sanphy

Ward 5


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