As a reluctantly admitted member of Freeport’s senior citizen cadre, I am going to vote yes for withdrawal from RSU 5.

Thinking long term, if we remain part of the consolidated district we risk losing more good teachers, more teacher support, and more good students as standards continue to decline.

We can renovate the current building for less money than the proposed (and already approved) expansion will require and, ultimately, if the school system’s reputation returns to pre-RSU days, our property values will continue to rise – good news for all vested seniors.

Finally, voting yes is the right thing to do for the benefit of currently enrolled students (not to mention their unborn children) who all deserve the best education we can offer them, something impossible to do if proposed school budgets continue to be voted down by neighboring towns.

Please vote yes on Nov 4.

Nat Warren-White

South Freeport

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