I didn’t have eyes on the situation but I have the scuttlebutt.

There’s an ad on television in which a man, with much bravado, describes killing a young bear in 2004 to protect the good people of South Portland. However, I’m from South Portland, and while I wasn’t there on that fateful day, I’ve spoken to neighbors who were, and they agree that bear was lost and frightened.

What you hear on television, now, is completely counter to what I’ve heard in town.

The people I’ve spoken with all empathized with the bear. The bear wanted to get away, it was frightened and trying to hide, trying to run – not hurting anybody.

Other states have a policy to tranquilize, transport and release. Why did this person shoot the helpless, frightened, lost creature? Was it to justify the rhetoric we hear, that bears will be in our back yard?

I’m voting yes on Question 1 in November because bears are naturally timid animals. They deserve compassion and a chance to get away.

Patti Austin

South Portland

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