I hope you were able to attend the recent homecoming game. Our kids enjoyed a remarkable spirit week at the high school; what better way to cap off the week than with Friday Night Lights? Around here, “Friday Night Lights” usually means that Waterhouse Field is aglow with the unmistakable pure, white gleam of hundreds of bulbs illuminating our field, our players and our opponents. At homecoming, however, the night sky was brighter and more spectacular than ever, thanks to a halftime fireworks display.

Since Friday’s game, there have been questions raised in the community about our halftime show, and concerns expressed about who paid for the brilliant display. I wish to assure the community that no school department or taxpayer funds were used. I would also be remiss if I didn’t again offer thanks to our sponsors: Central Maine Pyrotechnics and Wescott & Sons. Their generosity turned a rather ordinary event ”“ halftime ”“ into something truly special. The original plan was for a four-minute display; after 10 breathtaking minutes, many suggested that our halftime show was one of the best fireworks displays they had ever seen.

Biddeford School Department’s system-wide Director of Development Linda Verville has worked tirelessly to bring alumni of Biddeford High School back to our community. And homecoming is that: an opportunity for BHS alumni to come home. The fireworks were a huge draw, and a great way to get the community involved.

Thank you to Linda Verville, Central Maine Pyrotechnics and Wescott & Sons for bringing the halftime fireworks to Waterhouse Field and making the Biddeford experience that much more enjoyable.

Jeremie Sirois, Biddeford High School principal

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