Five people were arrested and about $25,000 worth of heroin and cash were seized from a Cushing residence Friday.

Drug enforcement officials said the arrest followed an investigation of possible heroin distribution at the home of Anthony Langille, 46, and Christine Hunt, 36, at 18 Cross Road.

The Maine Drug Enforcement Agency said Daeshawn McDonald, 24, and Daniel Williams, 23, both of New York City, transported a large amount of heroin from New York to Cushing, where it was repackaged and distributed throughout the midcoast.

Agents from the Mid-Coast District Task Force, armed with a warrant, searched the residence Friday and seized 40 grams of heroin worth about $15,000 and $10,000 in cash.

McDonald and Williams were charged with illegal drug trafficking and trafficking in prison contraband when a body search at Knox County Jail found they were concealing heroin in a body cavity.

Their bail was set at $75,000 cash each. Langille was charged with aggravated trafficking in illegal drugs. His bail was set at $5,000 cash. Hunt was charged with trafficking in illegal drugs with bail at $1,500 surety.


Jacob Ortiz, 20, of Rockland was arrested at the residence and charged with possession of illegal drugs. His bail was set at $150 cash.

Thomaston and Rockland police and the Knox County Sheriff’s Office helped in the investigation.

Beth Quimby can be contacted at 791-6363 or at:

Twitter: bquimby

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