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  • Published
    May 19, 2014

    Last man on the moon to speak in Portland

    Eugene Cernan and Karen McBride of NASA’s Mars program will urge teens to explore careers in science.

  • Published
    May 19, 2014

    Our View: Reasons for soaring MaineCare costs buried in state report

    The Alexander Group’s study squanders an opportunity to make meaningful reforms.

  • Published
    May 19, 2014

    George Will: LBJ’s Great Society recast government’s role, social norms

    Because work is essential to freedom, ominous developments coincided with Great Society policies.

  • Published
    May 19, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Eliot Cutler should consider withdrawing from gubernatorial race

    Re: “Another poll shows LePage, Michaud, neck and neck, Cutler trailing” (May 7): What this says to me is that Eliot Cutler needs a reality check before his ego spoils another governor’s race. With all due respect, the best he can do now is to say “bye-bye” and try again next time. One would hope […]

  • Published
    May 19, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Find ideal Maine summer camp with online matching tool

    What a wonderful article about the value of summer camps in Maine (“A Word with the Boss: Summer camp is his focus, all year long,” May 8). Wyonegonic Camps is just one of more than 100 camps in Maine that provide engaging and rewarding summer experiences for youth. What locals and people from away may […]

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  • Published
    May 19, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Home for elderly a better notion than doughnut shop in South Portland

    As a former parishioner, associate pastor and pastor of St. John the Evangelist parish, 611 Main St., South Portland (in the area usually referred to as “Thornton Heights”), I don’t think this property should have been sold to Dunkin’ Donuts (“South Portland City Council weighs dilemma of doughnut shop location,” April 28). Instead, there should […]

  • Published
    May 19, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Support for funding of plan for Alzheimer’s urged

    In April, I participated in the Alzheimer’s Association Advocacy Forum in Washington. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, there are more than 5 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease and 15.5 million Alzheimer’s caregivers. As an Alzheimer’s Ambassador, I want to thank U.S. Rep. Chellie Pingree for meeting with our delegation to discuss the Alzheimer’s crisis. […]

  • Published
    May 19, 2014

    Falmouth High School Honor Roll

    Third Quarter   Grade 12 High Honors: Lexis Anderson, Elise Bickford, Jacqueline Bolduc, Eric Chen, Nicole Cyr, Kathleen DeNoia, Benjamin Dobbins, Isabel Friedman, Joseph Lesniak, Emma Powers, Jane Pryzant, Sabrina Smithwick, Meredith Stanhope, Elanor West, Joshua White, Prathusha Yerramilli; Honors: Peter Aaskov, Tyler Abbatiello, Russell Barnard, Laura Bauer, Alyse Bazinet, Noah Beliveau, Isabella Bisbal, Brandon […]

  • Published
    May 19, 2014

    Military notes

    Air Force Airman Aliyah Yates has graduated from basic military training at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, San Antonio, Texas. Yates is the daughter of Tammy Yates of Standish and granddaughter of Bruce Yates of Dexter. She is a 2013 graduate of Bonny Eagle High School, Standish. Army Pvt. Ryan P. Corcoran, son of Steve and […]

  • Published
    May 19, 2014


    New School has new coordinator / REAL School students work on Mackworth Island / AARP seeks community service award nominees