I want to take this opportunity to thank the folks at Poland Spring for donating 20 cases of bottled water for Jameson Elementary School’s first-ever Kids’ Walk fundraiser for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

For several years now, Jameson School has selected a cause with connection to our community for which we raised funds. This year’s event was planned by our Jameson School Wellness Committee and orchestrated by our own kindergarten teacher extraordinaire, Mrs. Maturo, whose son is living a full and successful life with diabetes.

We kicked off this event on Monday, April 28, during our weekly school-wide Jameson assembly, with a developmentally appropriate and informative presentation to the school regarding diabetes, including the ways in which folks live with it and dispelling myths regarding diabetes.

Our community learned a lot, grew in their appreciation for a healthy lifestyle and showed strong support. We set a goal of raising $500 and crushed that goal by raising more than $3,800.

Poland Spring was there again when we needed them. We wanted to be sure our community knows how much Jameson School appreciates their tremendous and continued support.

Mike Flaherty, principal, Jameson Elementary School, Old Orchard Beach

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