TOPSHAMN — The Mt. Ararat Middle School eighth-grade softball team went 1-2 in recent action.

At Auburn the Eagles lost 10-7 with five hits — singles by Natalie Ormsby, Isabella Benner, Zoe Stilphen, Kayleigh Temple and Meri Stockford. Runs were scored by Julia Levesque, Morgan Johnson, Benner, Stilphen, Stockford and two by Temple. Johnson pitched for the Eagles.

In Lewiston last Wednesday Mt. Ararat lost by the Mercy Rule, 13-0. The Eagles managed one hit by Chloe Beattie. Lewiston had six hits and was aggressive on the bases. Johnson pitched.

On Friday at Topsham the Eagles hosted an improved Brunswick team and won 6- 1.

MAMS had hits by Benner, Temple, Beattie, Kelsey Scannevin (double), Kate Graeff and Ryley Leech. Benner and Temple scored twice, and Beattie and Scannevin each scored once. Morgan Johnson pitched and gave up one hit and had five strikeouts.

Brunswick pitcher Shea Sullivan had 13 strikeouts. Claire Johnson, Maddie Berry, Autumn Thoits and Olivia Mateus contributed offensively and defensively.

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