The Lisbon Town Council will not vote on appointing a new town manager as was expected during tonight’s meeting because the town is still negotiating contract terms.

Interim Town Manager Dale Olmstead said the council canceled a Monday night executive session to discuss the town manager search and instead will meet in executive session at 6 p.m. tonight to discuss a few remaining issues concerning those contract negotiations. The council is now expected to schedule a special meeting at 6 p.m. May 27 to consider appointing the new town manager. Olmstead announced last week that Diane Barnes, currently the Calais city manager, is the council’s candidate finalist. She met with administrators Tuesday, followed by a public meet-and-greet.

Tonight, during the council’s regular 6 p.m. meeting at the town office, councilors will meet in executive session to discuss contract negotiations with the public works union, potentially approving the contract when the body returns to regular session.

The council will conduct a public hearing on a proposed amendment to the Finance Committee Ordinance before it considers adoption, and vote on the following:

— Dispatch agreement with Lisbon Emergency


— Request from Faye Brown regarding items gifted to the Green Thumb Gang before the volunteer gardening group leadership was taken over by the town

— Nominations to Maine Municipal Association’s Legislative Policy Committee

— 2014 Spirit of America Tribute resolution

— 2014-15 school budget warrant articles

Also during the meeting, Lisbon Emergency will recognize Lisbon Police Sgt. Scott Stewart and Officer Ryan McGee for their quick actions while a patient suffered cardiac arrest that helped change the outcome.

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