8. Teen suicide
OpEd: A Bath teen’s suicide
has instilled fear among Midcoast youths.
Reached 1,660 / Nov. 27

The Times Record


It can be seen as one of society’s great failings when the young people in our communities — the hope and promise of our future — decide to take their own lives.

So when Jordan Cardone of People Plus submitted an opinion editorial for publication in The Times Record, we were grateful for the dialogue about what we can do to help stop this scourge.

Candid conversation, we had hoped, would lead to some solutions, on the occasion of the premature death of a 14-year-old Bath girl in November.


The piece, “For local teens, incalculable loss,” was one of the most talkedabout contributions from outside the newsroom in 2013, drawing 1,660 views to the post on Facebook.

“This has been a really hard week for those that knew (the girl) and for the parents of those children,” said one commenter. “Sometimes it’s hard to know.”

“It’s so sad our community couldn’t save her,” another wrote, “& I only hope the conversations stemming from her death help the com- munity be aware of others who are suffering & help prevent future losses.”

More must be done, beginning with conversations with each other — whether in person, on the phone or online — and, most importantly, with our own children.

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