With prom scheduled tonight for Massabesic High School students, and in the coming weeks for many of the area’s other high schools, it’s imperative for parents, teachers, school administrators and community members to speak with young people about making safe choices in this celebratory season.

Earlier this week, students from Massabesic and Sanford high schools did their part by filming a public service announcement with WSSR-TV to warn youth of the risk of substance abuse ”“ and particularly drunk driving. The message goes beyond those attending prom, though, as part of the PSA included a warning to parents and other adults who furnish liquor to minors.

Maj. Thomas Baran of the York County Sheriff’s Office, who was on set to help out, said adults who host parties where alcohol is served can suffer serious consequences, including jail time.

Students from Massabesic took an extra step to remind adults of the dangers, participating in a “Sticker Shock” project. They visited local stores, placing stickers on alcoholic beverages to remind everyone that it is illegal to sell liquor to minors or to buy liquor for minors.

As prom season progresses and graduation nears, we hope adults and teens alike will heed these warnings. Drinking alcohol can not only kill someone when they drive, but can also take their lives by alcohol poisoning, falls, burns, drowning and assaults, according to Connie Roux, substance abuse prevention coordinator for Partners for Healthier Communities at Goodall Hospital in Sanford.

Roux provided some tips for the community in combating substance use at these celebrations, including:


Ӣ Clerks and wait staff: Be especially diligent about carding during prom and graduation season, and report any underage drinking or furnishing concerns to local police.

Ӣ Community members: Help keep teens safe by calling local police with any underage drinking concerns. Calls can be anonymous, and a tip could save a life.

Ӣ Parents: Help teens plan a safe night by not serving or allowing alcohol at any party.

We all need to do our part to keep our young people safe, and getting the word out and just saying “no” may help save a life this prom season.


Today’s editorial was written by City Editor Robyn Burnham on behalf of the Journal Tribune Editorial Board. Questions? Comments? Contact Managing Editor Kristen Schulze Muszynski by calling 282-1535, Ext. 322, or via email at kristenm@journaltribune.com.

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