SOUTH PORTLAND — The general manager of Portland Radio Group says there are no plans to stop airing “The Rush Limbaugh Show” on WGAN.

About a dozen women and a couple of men walked into the Western Avenue office of the Portland Radio Group this morning to deliver a petition with 5,700 signatures calling on the radio station to stop airing the program.

The petition was signed in protest of Limbaugh’s comments about Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke, whom he recently called a “slut” and “prostitute” on his radio show after she urged lawmakers to support health care coverage of contraception.

Cary Pahigian, the general manager, said he hasn’t yet seen the petition, but has heard from dozens of people on both side of the issue.

Pahigian called Limbaugh’s comments about Fluke “absolutely wrong,” but said “pulling the show would put us down a very dangerous path” of deciding who gets to speak.

“If Rush continues to do stupid things like this, I think he’ll sign his own ticket off the radio,” Pahigian said.

At least two radio stations, one in Massachusetts and one in Hawaii, have dropped the show since Limbaugh’s comments about Fluke, according to published reports.

Annie Finch, a Falmouth woman who started the petition on Facebook, said Limbaugh’s “vile and sexist comments” last week was “only the most gross example of (his) 25-year history of sexism.”

“I just felt enough is enough,” she said.

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